Saturday 21 February 2009

In the Trenches

Work is well under way with the bathroom now, so the time has come to get the trench dug out ready for the new soil pipe for the relocated toilet. I was joined by Jac's dad, Norman, and together we first dug a pilot hole to find the existing sewer pipe, followed a little while later (in better weather) by the trench which would carry the new waste pipe to a new junction in the exposed sewer pipe. Big thanks to Norm for his help here...the man knows how to dig a good trench!

The existing sewer pipe was eventually found 3 feet down running across the front of the house. We excavated the area to allow the builder access to work, then ran the trench back up the side of the house towards the bathroom. The trench was sloped to allow a good 'flow' from around 18 inches back down to the 3 foot hole.

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