Sunday 25 January 2009

Demolition Derby - The Trilogy

Well, another weekend gone, along with another wall. This time Chris was left alone in the house with the hammers and the kitchen partition wall was quick to go. This wall was basically built under the stairs, creating the meter cupboard and what would have originally been a pantry. We decided a while ago that we would get rid of the wall to give the kitchen some added depth and open up an otherwise hidden window. Now, with dependencies on other work looming, it was time for it to go.

The revealed space under the stairs

The new meter cupboard which will eventually be closed
off with a reclaimed door from the airing cupboard.

The other activity for this weekend was the complete removal of all the rubbish from the garage. I'm sure though it won't be long till this little womble has another pile of rubble to climb.


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