Saturday 10 January 2009

Demolition Derby - Part Deux

Well, it's Saturday and we've had another 'smashing' day at the house. Having got bedrooms 1 and 2 all plastered and essentially finished, all bar the decorating, we decided to start the knock through of bedroom 3 and the current toilet (which is to be moved across the hall into the main bathroom). The plan was to make a good sized 3rd bedroom, and having now knocked out the framework we know we've done the right thing.

Jac got the honour of the first strike. Yes, it was -3C today so
we needed the layers, although probably a heatwave for our
Canadian friends - Hi Rus & Caroline :o)

Once the plaster board was off it just left the wood frame,
just like the bathroom but without the poured concrete... Chris made it into firewood for the recently discovered
fireplace downstairs - not that we can light it yet.

So having removed all the internal walls between the 2 rooms we just left the last wood frame onto the hall so a joiner can make a new doorframe. I reckon we've gained at least 3 foot onto the length of the room now, and it feels much bigger.

View of the resized bedroom 3 from the hall

Chris's new computer chair


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