Saturday 14 March 2009

The final blog before the move!

The bathroom suite is in (except the shower as that'll go in once we tile in a few weeks). All looking good. We're finally moving in on Monday and once we're in we'll add the finishing touches (skirting, windowsill, etc). It'll be the first finished room in the house : )

No longer a building site, looking like a proper room

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Almost There

Each day sees the bathroom get closer to completion. Yesterday the plumber came back to fit the bath and various drains, and today we got the flooring laid down ready for the rest of the suite to go on top. Roll on the rest of the week...

Now the floor is down the bath can get its panels fitted

Here's the unit that will shortly house the wash basin


Perfect Pipework

After myself and Norm did the groundwork digging the trench, the builder has now connected the new soil pipe down onto the old existing waste.

Then along came the plumber who fitted the new stack. Very pleased with the job he did here as he's had to put an elbow up against the porch roof due to a beam that got completely in the way.

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Sunday 8 March 2009

Finally Some Colour

In the final run up to moving in, the bathroom saw its first lick of coloured paint. As the bath is going in tomorrow and the vinyl down on Tuesday we figured now was the best time! Natural Calico and Sage anyone? (A bit patchy as it hasn't dried yet). These colours complement our new tiles perfectly (but we haven't bought them yet!)

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Ollie's First Visit

Today we decided to take Ollie to the house for half an hour so he gets an idea of the place before he properly moves in. After ten minutes of howling in the car we finally got to the house and he made himself totally at home! Completely different to his previous house moves where he's hidden straight away somewhere dark and quiet for quite a long time. He wandered about, only meowed a few times and has already made the living room his own...

A little bit too comfy and relaxed for a first visit!

A timid look into his new back garden


Sunday 1 March 2009

First Day of Spring

Today is the first day of spring according to the BBC weathermen - although Jac thinks it should be the 20th March on the equinox, but who are we to argue. So on that note, here is a spring-like picture from the garden. Yes, Jac's got arty again...

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