Sunday 29 August 2010

Ruby's Gate

With Ruby on the way we have had to secure the back garden.  This basically meant putting some gates across the drive. Chris tried out his joinery skills and ... taadah! ...

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby

We've been thinking for a while now about getting a dog, preferably some kind of rescue dog.  Then we went to the Driffield Rally and met the Retired Greyhound Trust people for the Hull area, and in particular a lovely greyhound called Ruby.  We hadn't really considered a greyhound before this, but as we read more about the breed and ex-racers we realised they were well suited to our lifestyles.

Since then we've been to the kennels, met all the retired racing greyhounds they are looking to rehome, but never really lost that initial connection with Ruby.  So we have agreed to rehome her and she will be coming to live with us in a couple of weeks.  Introducing Ruby....

Saturday 14 August 2010

A 'Bum'per Harvest

We're having lots of success with our greenhouse and veggie patch: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, broad beans and giant courgettes to name a few. Here is our latest harvest, including a mutant 'bum' tomato  :)

Jac's August Arty Shot

Living Room Refresh

As it has taken longer than planned to work our way downstairs, we have decided to give the living room a bit of a refresh with a lick of paint, wallpaper and new curtains. Just waiting for some new furniture to arrive (tv stand and small sideboard) and then it is done (for now  :)