Sunday 11 April 2010

2010 and it's spring

In July last year Vikki-kikki and The Nigellerington very kindly allowed us to have their greenhouse.  Since then we haven't really done much with it.  Now winter is over and done with and spring has definately sprung we spent the last few weekends preparing the ground and getting the greenhouse up and ready...and now we're there all bar the glass (which we have a few panes less than we need!)

Chris has been working on preparing a space behind the garage.  This has meant breaking up the existing concrete that was there already, digging over the ground and then building a block base for the greenhouse to sit on.  Jac has been giving the frame a good once over with pink marigolds and some nasty smelling cleaning solution to get rid of some of the moss/algae/green stuff.

It's where can we get that glass...?