Tuesday 28 July 2009

Let the work begin... again!

After a couple of weeks of decorating upstairs it's back to the hard work. We've started work on the kitchen; the first job being the windows. Two have been replaced and one (Jac's nosey window onto the church) has been bricked up so we can make use of the corner. The new windows are considerably shorter than the original ones as before they went below the worktop??? so a little bit of building work has been done to fill the gaps.

Starting to look like a building site

Windows all sorted - next step... back to brick for the rest of the kitchen!

Friday 17 July 2009

Thanks Vikki and Nigel !

Thursday saw us drive cross country to the northern Lakes to pick up the greenhouse...yes we are that mad, 345 mile round trip for 1 greenhouse, but it was a freebie and Chris is a womble, what more can we say.

The trip went well and the weather held long enough for us to get the greenhouse dismantled and loaded into the van ready to be brought back - the same day...told you we were mad. It was hard work, but the scenery and views from Vikki and Nigel's back garden did help a lot.

The first job was to get all the glass out

Such a 'pane'! (You can have that one Nigel)

Vikki posing in the greenhouse pretending to do some work so she could get her photo on the blog...doesn't she look busy :o)

Jac with her super strong one arm lift. It's all in the gloves.

Won't fit :o(

Bit of persuasion later (and a couple more bolts undone) and it's in.

Now back to Anlaby. Thanks again Vizzzzzz and The Nigellerington.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Jac's July arty shot


So now the easy bit was done. The conifer was cut down and supplied us with a nice warm fire for a little evening drink in the garden. Just the stump to remove, which was going to need more than a saw and some secateurs, so we borrowed some more robust tools from Chris's mum and dad. Bring on the axe!

Mr Axe, meet Mr Stump

Bit by bit, root by root...

...and Victory was mine
p.s. Jac made me put this picture in :o(

A quick cleanup and rake over and all trace was gone

Saturday 4 July 2009

Greenhouse prep

In a couple of weeks we will be acquiring a greenhouse from Jac's sister Vikki. We're going to be putting it in the space behind the garage, but to do this we needed to remove an oversized conifer.

Demolition Jac got to work with a saw and pretty soon the conifer was no more.

All bar the stump

"What shall we do with all this?!"